google-site-verification=dLNGQXuNU99-ZpBSiy4hrbSnKrODlUiHKDXlhwYgbHU NEW VENUE, NEW PART
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Thursday, March 14th, saw us rehearsing for the first time in our new rehearsal ‘home’, the Blue Hall at Chancellor State College, Chancellor Park. It was also the evening on which we began work on learning Elijah, Part the Second.

Being the first night, everything felt new, a bit strange and unfamiliar, and there were a few issues to contend with – we couldn’t access the on-site piano, nor could we set up where we had intended, because that part of the hall was still in use for another purpose. Consequently the acoustic feel was very different, and it took a while to get the feel of the place.

But Artistic Director Fay, being the trooper that she is, carried on regardless, encouraging the choir to go with the flow, and we made a pretty respectable beginning on the choruses in the second part of Mendelssohn’s wonderful oratorio. The newness and unfamiliarity of the new venue will fade pretty quickly. There are plenty of plus-es going for it - its central location and ease of access; plenty of parking right outside the building; NO STEPS, which is a huge plus for those of us who aren’t as upwardly, or downwardly mobile as we used to be; and no need to go to a separate building for sectional rehearsals.

Every week of rehearsals sees us that bit more in sight of the goal – to be ready to give a performance of Elijah that people will remember for a long, long time (and in a very positive way!).

Blessed are the members of Oriana – they ever walk in the quest for excellence!

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Based in Buderim on Queensland's vibrant Sunshine Coast, Oriana Arts Inc is the home of the highly acclaimed, multi award-winning Oriana Choir and the Sunshine Coast Youth Choir



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0431 542 343

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