It’s nearly here; the waiting is almost over! After an intensive but invigorating several months of rehearsals, Oriana Choir and Brisbane Chorale are ready! Their combined presentation of Haydn’s The Creation will premiere this Sunday, November 13th, at Venue 114, Sportsman’s Parade, Bokarina, at 3.00 pm.

This major choral work, one of the greatest of oratorios, is as exciting and as thrilling now as it was when it was first staged, over 200 years ago. And far from being a ‘heavy’ or ‘serious’ work, it is highly enjoyable – full of drama, suspense, humour and beauty, it is as entertaining as it is uplifting. And in case you’re wondering – even though Haydn was Austrian, it’s sung in English, not German. (The libretto was originally written in English, and later translated into German.)
With a combined choir of 150 singers, Opera Queensland soloists Leanne Kenneally, Tobias Merz and Jason Barry-Smith, the musical excellence of St. Andrew’s Sinfonia, all under the direction of the brilliant Emily Cox AM, The Creation will be a larger-than-life experience.
Latest booking statistics indicate that this could well be a sell-out event, so you will need to act quickly to avoid missing out. And this is one musical presentation that you truly do not want to miss! This is one you’ll be able to tell your grandchildren about!
For tickets, please visit